
The Gifts Of The Spirit, Signs And Wonders Of The Spirit Are Supernatural And Perpetual

According to Romans 11:29 that the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:1-31) are irrevocable and enduring through all ages for the benefit of believers and unbelievers alike and that they are to be desired (1 Cor 14:1); that signs and wonders will accompany the preaching of the Word and that they will follow those who believe (Mark 16:15-20, Acts 4:28-33).

Holy Spirit Church endeavors to carry out 1 Peter 4:7-11, with each of our members using whatever gifts we have received to serve others and faithfully administer God’s grace in its various forms.

The gifts of the Spirit, as listed in 1 Cor 12:1-31, must always be properly used and done so in love (1 Cor 13:1-13). Spiritual gifts are for the purpose of edification. If the use of gifts is not edifying, then they are counter-productive. We understands that there may be some who can operate powerfully in the gifts, yet whose hearts are self-serving (Matt 7:15-23). These signs point to Jesus Christ. Our aim is to become conformed into the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29).

Holy Spirit Church neither seeks after signs and wonders nor denies them when Jesus chooses to use them. We understands the biblical warnings of Matt 24:24 and 1 John 4:1, among others, that admonish the church to discern the spirits and, therefore,

Holy Spirit Church exercises discernment. We trust that when we entreat the presence of God, He will not give us anything that is not of Him (Luke 11:9-12). However, this does not eliminate the need for discernment.

Holy Spirit Church seeks to worship and exalt Jesus Christ and believes the Holy Spirit will come in answer to our prayers. We believe God still uses signs and wonders to serve His purposes. Signs and wonders are prominent throughout the entirety of the Bible. Signs are by biblical definition (Strong’s #4592, Greek) defined as indications of the supernatural. Wonders are by biblical definition (Strong’s #5059, Greek) defined as simply that – wonders! A wonder is a feeling of surprise that makes one marvel with admiration at something that is beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. Wonders go beyond the natural understanding of the mind. Signs and wonders include, but are not limited to, speaking in tongues, casting out demons, laying hands on the sick (Mark 16:17-18). Signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the Word and will follow those who believe, with the Lord working with them (Mark 16:20).

Holy Spirit  Church believes that to follow completely the example of Jesus Christ the ‘modern day church’ should be one that walks in miraculous power with love! Many different manifestations has happen in our church and webcast as the Holy Spirit truly has freedom to move. These manifestations can include, but are not limited to, falling/resting in the Spirit, shaking, the appearance of drunkenness, crying, laughter/joy, prophetic revelation, visions/trances, tongues, weightiness, physical healing of lame, blindness, deftness and the supernatural appearance of oil in our church interior window frame, walls in the church and our church members home. These Supernatural manifestations, in many forms, can show the Lord’s presence (Ex. 33:14-16).

Holy Spirit  Church believes that to follow completely the example of Jesus Christ the ‘modern day church’ should be one that walks in miraculous power with love! Many different manifestations has happen in our church and webcast as the Holy Spirit truly has freedom to move. These manifestations can include, but are not limited to, falling/resting in the Spirit, shaking, the appearance of drunkenness, crying, laughter/joy, prophetic revelation, visions/trances, tongues, weightiness, physical healing of lame, blindness, deftness and the supernatural appearance of oil in our church interior window frame, walls in the church and our church members home. These Supernatural manifestations, in many forms, can show the Lord’s presence (Ex. 33:14-16).

You Would Ask Why God Manifests Only In Certain Churches?

Holy Spirit Church believes that Jesus Christ will meet any person or church who seeks God with all their heart with great expectations. We believe that worship in spirit and truth creates an atmosphere that is pleasing to God and provides a place where the Holy Spirit feels free to move. He has the sovereign right to manifest, or not manifest, as He chooses. Manifestations do not make any church or person better than any other. Similarly, a lack of manifestation does not mean a church or individual is not Christian. As a church we can attest to many truly authentic supernatural occurrences. We do not seek after them, but we receive them with grateful hearts, as the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to us through supernatural phenomena. Holy Spirit Church not judge any church or person that does not experience heavenly supernatural phenomena.

Holy Spirit Church Statement On Spiritual Gifts And Signs And Wonders

Holy Spirit Church does not pass judgment on those who disagree with the beliefs of our supernatural works in our church. However, we will defend the truth that Jesus Christ has revealed and will continue to faithfully pursue the vision and mandate that He has given to Holy Spirit Ministry international Church of New Zealand.

The following statements on gifts, signs and wonders and other related topics are not intended to be exhaustive. If you have questions or comments after reading these statements, please contact the church at contact us at [email protected]